Welcome to our journey!

Your support can spark meaningful transformation!

By volunteering, you'll make a tangible difference in the lives of many, unlocking their potential for growth. We're dedicated to driving positive change and empowering individuals.

Discover our mission, values, and passion for giving hope. Join us on this journey of collective growth, learning, and success.

 Related Activities Release and Waiver of Liability Form


  • As a volunteer, I release and hold harmless JollyBox Global (“JBG”) and their successors from any and all claims, costs, suits, actions, judgments or expenses upon any damage, loss or injury to me or to my property which may arise from JBG Related Activities.   
  • I acknowledge the risks involved in participating in volunteer activities in all locations to include but not limited to serious injury or death and fully assumes all risks whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage of any kind relating to any JBG Related Activities and/or any associated or non-associated activities of any kind.  I hereby agree to donate and offer my personal services and labor, free of charge, to JBG.  I acknowledge that I am fully aware of any and all risks posed by these volunteer activities and that I have no medical condition that prevents me from engaging.

  • I understand that JBG does not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide financial assistance or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health, or disability compensation, benefit or insurance in the event of any injury or illness or death to Volunteer or anyone; JBG is ONLY providing limited kidnap and ransom insurance for Volunteer and limited liability insurance for JBG, for JBG’ S own actions or omissions to others, and not to Volunteer

  • I also give permission to be photographed by project partners or the media for use in printed materials, through the internet or through other media outlets.

  • In signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand this volunteer agreement.

Feeding Program to benefit Los Angeles Fire Evacuees - January 25, 2025

JollyBox Global outreach in partnership with SoCal Pinoys Group to benefit unhoused individuals living in the streets of Los Angeles.

September 24, 2023

Medical Professional, Joe, was able to do a quick medical assessment on our unhoused kababayans.

Thank you to all of our sponsors, like; Bamboo_Bistro, Sergeant Junk Removal, and valued volunteers for supporting our cause.