Third Gala Fundraiser
We pride ourselves on our gala fundraising event. Join us for dinner and to meet our volunteers, sponsors and board of directors at this event to learn more about our mission and vision.
Date; Friday, 04/25/2025
Located in: Norwalk Community Meeting Center
Sproul Ballroom
Tickets: $88.00
Best Dress Award
Live Auction, Dancing, Raffle, Silent Auction, Casino Table
Tickets & Sponsorships: (909) 510 2002
Bring Spare Change

Filipino Heritage Night w/ JollyBox
Join us at Dodger Stadium to celebrate the Filipino Heritage and Culture.
This special event ticket package includes your ticket to the game and an exclusive Dodgers Filipino Heritage night Shirt for only $77.00. JollyBox Global (501c3) has blocked seats 5TD & 31RS!
To Pre-Order Your Tickets, Text DODGERS FILIPINO To (909) 510-2002 or click HERE to order online
Date; Friday, 06/03/2025
Located in: Dodger Stadium
Tickets Starts at: $77.00